Dear Stop Sugar,

Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Mtn. Dew, and regular Coca-Cola. These are a few of my favorite things. I only drink regular Coke about once every 1-2 weeks. Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Mtn. Dew are a staple of my everyday life.

I know that this is a bad thing. I like water, but it doesn’t satisfy me like an ice cold soda. I might also throw in that I love the fizz in soda, and the burn that accompanies it when you take that first drink. Mmmmmm. But, like I said, it is so bad.

Soda has absolutely, positively no redeeming qualities whatsoever (except for when it is coupled with chips, pizza, hamburgers, I could go on for days….)

My husband gives me a hard time about all the soda I consume in a days time. To tell you the truth, I am too embarrassed and mortified to share with you how many cans of soda I drink in a day. It’s full of sugar, or artificial sweeteners (a huge debate with this one as to whether or not they are harmful), and the sodium.

Talk about water retention and or blood pressure issues. So, to get to the point I am trying to make, I found this article by Steve Edwards where he writes about all the many countless reasons people shouldn’t drink soda. I think this is a great article, extremely informative, and it makes me think twice about all the soda I drink in a day’s time.

Posted by Lori Harden